The complete version of the Statutes is available for download here.
- Membership becomes effective upon approval by the Board of Directors and the payment of any fees then in effect;
- Membership in the Society shall be held by a country through its National Committee;
- A Representative or a duly authorized alternate chosen by a country's National Committee shall represent that country in the activities of the Society, shall foster the aims and purposes of the Society in his or her locale, shall represent and promote the interests of his or her National Committee, shall share in the responsibility for the conduct of the affairs of the Society as prescribed in these Statutes and shall attend the meetings of the Society;
- A National Committee may be comprised of individuals and/or participating organizations such as engineering societies, provided that:
- Each country’s National Committee shall be known as the “(country name) ISCCBE Committee”;
- To be recognized by the Society as an accredited National Committee, application accompanied by the draft statutes for the National Committee, must be made to the President;
- Membership becomes effective upon approval by the Board of Directors and the payment of any fees then in effect.
The complete version of the Statutes is available for download here.